Welcome to MolesBlog. In my first post, I want to introduce to you, who am I and why I started this blog. I'm a professional elelctronics engineer, never getting enough…
STM32 FreeRTOS and printf
After some more coding, I found some more issues with FreeRTOS and printf, not being solved by my fix below. If you need to get it fixed completely, look at…
I'm not sure, if I'm simply a problem magnet or why some stuff does not work as described... Here is another case. The tool I tend to use can be…
Doxygen – Tips and Tricks
LaTeX non-interactive To make LaTeX skip some errors without user interaction, you can add the option --interaction=nonstopmode to the pdflatex call. Easiest way to do so, is changing the LATEX_COMMAND_NAME…
STM32 UART Continuous Receive with Interrupt
My last post is quite some time ago, due to vacations and high workload. But now I encountered some problem within an embedded project, I want to share the solution…
Installing BigBlueButton on Your Dedicated Server
Introduction After struggling with a dedicated server from Strato Webhosting, running ubuntu 18.04 and playing around with schroot to get some ubuntu 16.04 environment, I gave up with this solution.…
School’s out – How to Tame Your Children
Introduction - Historic Reasons for this Post Here in Germany, executive decided to lock all public life down to a minimum (only system relevant shops are allowed to be opened…
How To Debug Hardware-Faults on Your Dedicated Server
While installing some stuff on a dedicated server at Strato, I encountered a problem with the server two times. While having no clue what happened during the first time, I…
STM32 BLDC Motor Control

Introduction ST offers quite a broad BLDC controller portfolio, but the most interesting to me seems the STSPIN family of controllers. They include mostly anything except the MOSFETs to drive…
Merging the Contents of Two InfluxDBs
Eveer had the problem that data runs into two different influx databases and you want to merge the data into a single one? You wonder, why this can happen? Then…