Everybody playing around with hardware that has a serial port and is not located close to the desk will sooner or later run into the problem, that the wire simply…
The Remote Serial Debugging Nightmare

Everybody playing around with hardware that has a serial port and is not located close to the desk will sooner or later run into the problem, that the wire simply…
Work in progress As many of you, I also have Windows 10 natively on my Notebook and don't want to switch to Linux, every time, I do some development that…
A few days ago, I received an IEC 62196 to Schuko (German Plug) adapter, to be able to draw 230V from a wall-box or public charger. I'll replace the Schuko…
Since I did many Backups of important folder in former times using 7z (one snapshot had 14 GB), I was searching for a way to access it more easily. For…
Since quite some time, I ever wanted to automate the process of creating the annual bills for the renters of the one half of my house. I also integrated the…
After migrating from iobroker to Home Assistant, I lost the level of my oil tank in my smart home, being forced to have a look into the smartphone app. That…
Have you ever been interested in the current EEX or more correctly the EPEX SPOT prices? If so, you quite certainly stumbled over the EPEX SPOT Home or the Energy…
I just thought about implemententing a small ESPhome based ultrasound water level module, when I realized, that I have none of my modules left. Maybe I gave the last one…
If you bought one of my modules recently, it is also worth looking at the how-to project page for this module :-) There is a new method available to flash…
How to limit charging to a predefined SOC with go-echarger and Home Assistant if your car does not support this feature.