LaTeX non-interactive To make LaTeX skip some errors without user interaction, you can add the option --interaction=nonstopmode to the pdflatex call. Easiest way to do so, is changing the LATEX_COMMAND_NAME…
OrangePi 4G-IoT Complete Pack
Since Andorid 8.1 is quite slow on the OrangePi 4G-IoT, I decided to give Andorid 6 a try. also provides for these packages, which is quite inconvenient... Here…
Compiling Software on RAM-limited Multi-Core Systems
Since I often compile stuff on embedded ARM targets that are well equipped with processing power (Exinos Octa-Core), but are neglected regarding RAM (2G), I often facing the trade-off between…
Google ChromeCast’s (Smartphone) Independance Day
Have you ever been upset about your chromecast heavy depency on a smarthphone. So, nor do I, but my wife complained, since she always drops her phone somewhere else around…