The Problem I Encountered... Just after installing the Pulse IR and the Tibber Bridge, I was quite a bit frustrated about the continuity of the Tibber data. This was not…
Doing the Undone – Decoding SML or Hacking the Tibber Raw Data

The Problem I Encountered... Just after installing the Pulse IR and the Tibber Bridge, I was quite a bit frustrated about the continuity of the Tibber data. This was not…
OK, you'll definitely believe, moles are crazy. You would ask, for what do you need a laboratory power supply that is controlled by your smart home (Home Assistant)? It's easy,…
I just thought about implemententing a small ESPhome based ultrasound water level module, when I realized, that I have none of my modules left. Maybe I gave the last one…
I gave up on getting Ceph run on ARM 32 bit. It was a huge effort to fix the types, that diverge when switching from 64 to 32 bit. The…
I already posted a tutorial on using the ESP32-EVB from olimex with Arduino. This time, I will provide the same with ESP-IDF, the original SDK from Espressif. Why I decided…
What the heck? Aren't there enough toturials out there about ESP32? I believe: Yes, too many. And there are too many that struggle with setting up the arduino environment for…
Motivation In my vacations, I kicked-off some new projects. One of it is an ARM64 based SBC with integrated SATA mostly like the Odroid-HC1/2. The main difference is the ARM…
Introduction Since the information about FreeRTOS debugging with STM32CubeIDE is sparse and ST is not yet providing the task list view (that was part of the Atollic TrueStudio), here is,…
When it comes to leasure time, there are not many activities, that are more exciting than 3D printing. After you printed diverse things from Thingiverse or any other 3D printing…
After some more coding, I found some more issues with FreeRTOS and printf, not being solved by my fix below. If you need to get it fixed completely, look at…