My Ceph Cluster runs now! And it is amizingly powerful :-) Updates for Ceph Reef. Quincy is not yet the latest release anymore, I reinstalled my cluster with Reef (now…
Taming The Cephodian Octopus – Reef

My Ceph Cluster runs now! And it is amizingly powerful :-) Updates for Ceph Reef. Quincy is not yet the latest release anymore, I reinstalled my cluster with Reef (now…
Work in progress As many of you, I also have Windows 10 natively on my Notebook and don't want to switch to Linux, every time, I do some development that…
Sometimes, using CubeMX and the HAL, there is something missing. For SDRAM, it is the command sequence that need to be issued after initializing the FMC module. The SDRAM itself…
I gave up on getting Ceph run on ARM 32 bit. It was a huge effort to fix the types, that diverge when switching from 64 to 32 bit. The…
Finally, I did not succeed in getting Ceph running on a 32 bit ARM. There have been to many issues in the code (especially incompatible datatypes) and issues with GCC…
Introduction Since the information about FreeRTOS debugging with STM32CubeIDE is sparse and ST is not yet providing the task list view (that was part of the Atollic TrueStudio), here is,…
After some more coding, I found some more issues with FreeRTOS and printf, not being solved by my fix below. If you need to get it fixed completely, look at…
My last post is quite some time ago, due to vacations and high workload. But now I encountered some problem within an embedded project, I want to share the solution…
Since everbody complains about smart homes are vendor lock in, too expensive, giving you data for free to some suspecting cloud provider,... I need to preset my smart home solution…
Same as with the 2G-IOT, OrangePi also provides a quite inconvenient way (through to get the Android SDKs for the 4G-IOT... Here are the torrents (tar.gz and tar.xz have…