As a mole, you sometimes have the same problems like humans: Nasty neighbours. In my case, mice. I have a cat named Tommy (his full name is Thomas Alva Edison…
Getting Rid of Nasty Underground Neighbours – IoT Mouse Trap

As a mole, you sometimes have the same problems like humans: Nasty neighbours. In my case, mice. I have a cat named Tommy (his full name is Thomas Alva Edison…
It's quite some time ago, I wrote my last blog post. But I had a lot to do and there have been quite action, creating some material for new posts.…
I just thought about implemententing a small ESPhome based ultrasound water level module, when I realized, that I have none of my modules left. Maybe I gave the last one…
Everybody playing around with hardware that has a serial port and is not located close to the desk will sooner or later run into the problem, that the wire simply…
Work in progress As many of you, I also have Windows 10 natively on my Notebook and don't want to switch to Linux, every time, I do some development that…
In progress... TL;DR (take me to the battle field) Introduction and Motivation In some recent project, we added some ESP32 to replace wired communication with a BLE solution. Additionally, the…
I already posted a tutorial on using the ESP32-EVB from olimex with Arduino. This time, I will provide the same with ESP-IDF, the original SDK from Espressif. Why I decided…
What the heck? Aren't there enough toturials out there about ESP32? I believe: Yes, too many. And there are too many that struggle with setting up the arduino environment for…