Sometimes, using CubeMX and the HAL, there is something missing. For SDRAM, it is the command sequence that need to be issued after initializing the FMC module. The SDRAM itself…
Penmount PCI Touch Controllers And I2C – Lost In Space
Forword I would suggest to use UART to talk to the Penmount Touch. This works much better since you can simply trigger on some UART interrupt (6 Byte and timeout…
Angular Web App on ESP32

In progress... TL;DR (take me to the battle field) Introduction and Motivation In some recent project, we added some ESP32 to replace wired communication with a BLE solution. Additionally, the…
Compile Ceph (master) on ARM (32-Bit)
I gave up on getting Ceph run on ARM 32 bit. It was a huge effort to fix the types, that diverge when switching from 64 to 32 bit. The…
How to Build A Private Storage Cluster (with Ceph)
Finally, I did not succeed in getting Ceph running on a 32 bit ARM. There have been to many issues in the code (especially incompatible datatypes) and issues with GCC…
ESP32-EVB, PlatformIO And ESP-IDF – Yet Another ESP32 tutorial

I already posted a tutorial on using the ESP32-EVB from olimex with Arduino. This time, I will provide the same with ESP-IDF, the original SDK from Espressif. Why I decided…
ESP32-EVB, PlatformIO And Arduino – Yet Another ESP32 tutorial

What the heck? Aren't there enough toturials out there about ESP32? I believe: Yes, too many. And there are too many that struggle with setting up the arduino environment for…
Sorting Your Digital Mess – How to Easily Set-Up a Private Search Engine

Motivation In my vacations, I kicked-off some new projects. One of it is an ARM64 based SBC with integrated SATA mostly like the Odroid-HC1/2. The main difference is the ARM…
FreeRTOS debugging on STM32 – CPU usage
Introduction Since the information about FreeRTOS debugging with STM32CubeIDE is sparse and ST is not yet providing the task list view (that was part of the Atollic TrueStudio), here is,…
Just Another Hobby – 3D Printing
When it comes to leasure time, there are not many activities, that are more exciting than 3D printing. After you printed diverse things from Thingiverse or any other 3D printing…